PGTronic is your partner in the design of new electronic circuits or the improvement of existing one. Every time, the following phases will be carried out:
- Feasibility Study
The feasibility study is started by an essential brainstorming session to strengthen the requirement specifications and
draft the future equipment within its mechanical and electrical environment.
All aspects of the future equipment are covered during this phase: connectivity, power, heat, fixtures, weight...
PGTronic experience will guide you to a first time right experience.
- PCB Design
Based on detailed specifications and the feasibility study, PGTronic will propose schematics, before starting the back-end design.
- Manufacturing
PGTronic works with professional partners in order to deal with high quality PCB's.
- Assembly
Depending on the batch to assemble, manual or automated component placement is envisaged.
PGTronic can help you improving the cost effectiveness of the assembly.